Like a Room without a Roof


Like a Room without a Roof

March 13, 2023

Sharon Katz lives to give. This talented and warm ex New Yorker has been at the forefront of inspirational activities in Israel for decades. Bridal showers for the expelled girls of Gush Katif; musicals to stave off terror induced depression and helplessness; Dames of the Dance shows with proceeds going to the needy- this is just a partial list of what she has spearheaded. Her work is in Jewish education for school kids via the internet: Torah Live.

Sharon and Eve shared their stories of the summer of 1995 and subsequent saving of the Dagan Hill in Efrat- a huge event in both their lives.

Be in touch with Sharon ( - maybe you can follow in her (dancing) footsteps and make a difference in your community as well.

eve harow, rejuvenation, Sharon Katz, helping the needy, Efrat, dance, Torah education, Dames of the Dance