Surviving the Famine and the Lockdown

Yishai Fleisher Show

Surviving the Famine and the Lockdown

December 23, 2020

In the Bible, a famine brings the family of Israel down to Egypt. In our time, Covid lockdowns, Jihadist terror, and a broken Knesset threaten Israel with a kind of famine. However, Yishai's guests bring out the good light! First, Malkah Fleisher on Ishmalites vs. Phillisties and why "settlers" are the most inclined to celebrate the 'Abraham Accords'. Then, Rav Mike Feuer on how the Biblical Joseph overcame his bitterness and accepted that it was who God sent him into Exile - and will bring him and Jacob back to the Promised Land.

malkah fleisher , Yishai Fleisher, torah, rav mike feuer, COVID-19, lockdown, Jihadist terror attack, knesset