The Land Of



Return Again: A Business Trip Turns Into Aliyah

Gary Epstein grew up in a strongly Jewish and Torah-observant home, but – as he says – Aliyah was nowhere near the forefront of his mind for many, many years. In the early 2000s, he saw that perhaps the Israeli business world could use the help of his law firm, so he began spending more time in Israel. And Aliyah was still not on his radar screen. Then, he had two children make the big move and yet, still, Aliyah was not on his mind. So what did it? Why is Gary Epstein a happy oleh? Goel met with him recently in Gary’s son’s home – in New York, believe it or not, and they talked about his story. They laughed, nearly shed some tears, and spoke about so many different aspects of life in Israel.



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