The Land Of



Israel at War: Facing our Fears (Parsha Chayei Sara)

Israel at War: Facing our Fears: The Land of Israel Fellowship
As the war continues on in Israel, it's more important than ever for us to be together.We want to thank you for your continuous blessings and prayers during this time.Chayei Sarah: As the war around us in Israel continues, Ari Abramowitz with Jeremy and Tehila Gimpel discuss the current situation and the relationship to this past week's Torah portion. Listen to an insights about Hamas and Tehilim, the spiritual war ragging around us, and how can we ever go back to how things used to be.Enjoy this week's session 159 of the Land of Israel Fellowship recorded live on November 12, 2023.Torah Chayei Sara Click Here for Full Transcript of Session

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