Brigitte Bernard combined a few of her passions to author a fascinating book set in 16th century England:
Her lifelong voracious appetite for reading.
The Tudor monarchy of King Henry the Eighth and his wives.
Midwifery, natural home birth and herbal healing.
The Inquisition and its ramifications for the Jews who fled the Iberian Peninsula.
Take a break from the news and delve into historical fiction. Eve Harow just provided you with that needed break from reality.
Her lifelong voracious appetite for reading.
The Tudor monarchy of King Henry the Eighth and his wives.
Midwifery, natural home birth and herbal healing.
The Inquisition and its ramifications for the Jews who fled the Iberian Peninsula.
Take a break from the news and delve into historical fiction. Eve Harow just provided you with that needed break from reality.