‘Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Jew’

Rabbi Raphael Shore has just published a not typical book on anti- Semitism, ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Jew.’ His 40 years of experience in the arena of fighting Israel’s advocacy war has given him a different perspective on the root cause of this seemingly irrational hatred. Learning from the master, Hitler, he tells […]
Four Soldiers Killed in Drone Strike as Israel Pauses Attacks on Beirut

Four Israeli soldiers were killed last night in a Hezbollah drone strike targeting a packed dining room of a Binyamina army base. Over 60 others were wounded, some seriously. On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten asks, is there a connection between the attack and reports that the Biden Administration pressured Israel to refrain from attacking […]
Lights of Teshuva (The Art of Teshuva)

In this chapter, the author collects flashes of illuminations and insights that Rav Kook collected and recorded in his notebooks throughout his life. Powerful paragraphs that can quite literally change our lives.