Oct. 7th – Israel’s War Of Awakening

Oct. 7th - Israel's War Of Awakening - Ari Abramowitz

What is October 7th about? How do we mark the day when it’s still so fresh? When it’s still happening? No more candle-lit vigils. No more memorials. No more. Today Netanyahu suggested Renaming this war “Milchemet HaTekumah”, The War of Revival. Could he be on to something? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcCOFiB-oQU

Going into Yom Kippur Broken is the Perfect Way to Start the Year

Going into Yom Kipur Broken is the Perfect Way to Start the Year - Jeremy Gimpel

This is a highlight from Session 198 – New Week! New Year! New Life! (Parsha Haazinu) recorded live on Sunday October 6, 2024.   To watch the full session click here: https://thelandofisrael.com/fellowship/new-week-new-year-new-life/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as5XlHuhfXw

The Torah of Teshuva (The Art of Teshuva)

The Judean Book Club: The Torah of Teshuva (The Art of Teshuva)

As we learn about the spiritual laws and mechanics of how the Universe works through the Power of Teshuva – this podcast we delve into the catalyst that will ultimately spark a universal revival and global revolution to return to God.

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