Iron Wall or Iron Dome
100 years after Jabotinsky’s prescient article ‘The Iron Wall‘ was published, Eve Harow interviews Yisrael Medad on its relevance for today. Without knowing the history of the conflict one cannot begin to understand the complexity of the current war and the battle lines of good and evil being drawn, not just in Israel, but around […]
From Strength to Strength
Yishai Fleisher honors the fighting heroes: Rabbi Danny Cohen from Chabad Hebron is on guard duty, Dr. Noam Arnon on the festival of Shabbat Chayei Sarah, and Josh Waller and the viral story of the gentile Cowboys who came to give support to Israel. Then, TANKS! Ben Bresky on the history and vision of made-in-Israel rolling armor.
Israel at War: Facing our Fears
Support the Front Lines of JudeaClick the link below to…_Arugot_FarmsAs the war continues on in Israel, it’s more important than ever for us to be together.We want to thank you for your continuous blessings and prayers during this time.Chayei Sarah: As the war around us in Israel continues, Ari Abramowitz with Jeremy and Tehila […]
True Believers – in Exterminating the Jews
Eve Harow speaks with Zeev Maghen, Professor of Arabic and Islamic History and Chairman of the Department of Middle East Studies at Bar-Ilan University, on the current war on Hamas. Israel was established to ensure the survival and prosperity of the Jewish people. Anyone who interferes with that is to be prevented, at all costs, from fulfilling […]
Making Peace with War
Yishai and Malkah Fleisher join forces to find positivity and light in the fight against the darkness of Hamas and the Jihad. Yishai joins Rav Mike Feuer to understand the role of Narrative War in this conflict. And Ben Bresky on great historical rallies for Israel. Finally, blessings for a higher consciousness through the battle we are all facing.
Israel at War: The Biblical Roots
Support the Front Lines of JudeaClick the link below to…_Arugot_FarmsToldot: As the war continues around us and we learn to navigate a new reality we turn to this week’s torah portion for strength and guidance. It’s more important than ever for us to be together.Get updates and learn the truth in this powerful Land […]
Should Israel Let Fuel into Gaza?
On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten chats with Eve Harow about the current war in Gaza. The Israeli war cabinet this week decided to allow several trucks of fuel into Gaza daily as other politicians opposed the move. Should Israel be allowing any fuel into Gaza? Plus an assessment on the situation in the north […]
The Wisdom of Navon
Chaim Navon, author, journalist, rabbi and educator speaks with Eve Harow on the current situation in Israel in the midst of the War against Hamas. Navon (which means intelligent and wise in Hebrew) recently published a book on Israeli society. His research concludes that Israel is much stronger than one would think, given the very […]
An Ambulance from Miami to Israel
Yishai Fleishere flies to Miami to bring an ambulance for Hebron! Then, Rabbi Shimshon Nadel discusses the Torah’s teaching on the price for redeeming hostages. And, Ben Bresky on the Israeli martial art of KRAV MAGA! Finally, Table Torah on the secret of Jacob’s ladder.
The Fight against Anti Semitism on Twitter
As Elon Musk visits Israel, Eve Harow speaks with her web savvy daughter Marnina on the platform that he has opened up to many voices. X (formerly Twitter) ‘spaces’ give you an opportunity for a global reach, to learn, to educate and to make Israel’s case. Articulate and passionate about her country, Marnina shares how […]